Doctor of Nursing Science Degree
NRS 600
Breyer State University
Instructor: Dominick L. Flarey, Ph.D, DCH, MBA, RN,CS, CNAA, FACHE
TOPICS: Please scroll down to the bottom of the screen whenever you log in to check for new topics and weekly assignments. They will show up throughout your course to you remind you when assignments and exams are due.
COURSE OVERVIEW: This is the first course in the degree program for the Doctor of Nursing Science Degree. It is a foundational course and presents concepts, theories and models of nursing practice. The DNS degree is a clinically focused degree and this course provides you with an overview of the most common theories used and tested today in clinical practice. The focus is on utilizing nursing theories in the decision making process in practice. You will study some early theories, as well as more contemporary theories of practice. The construction of theoretical models and frameworks is clearly presented, along with numerous case studies for each model. Each case study provides for critical thinking related to the planning and implementation of nursing care, based on the model or theory presented. You will also study an overview of the history of nursing theory, as well as the history of each theory or model presented. Information on nursing theorists is also provided.
Doctoral students in Nursing Science require a strong knowledge base of theory in order to make positive contributions to the nursing profession. This knowledge base also prepares nurses to think more critically, and to conduct research in nursing practice.
TIME FRAME: This is a 4-semester hour course. This course is allotted 15 weeks of time. You must complete all of the requirements for the course successfully by the end of the 15 week period. The first day of week one will begin the day that you register for the course, or the day which you notify me that your text book(s) have arrived and you are ready to begin your studies. Please be cognizant of the time frame. It is rare that extensions of time are permitted, unless you have good justification. Upon successful completion of this course, you will be awarded 4 semester hours of credit.
TEXTBOOKS: There is one (1) required textbook for this course.
Book 1: Nursing Theory: Utilization and Application. By Martha Raile Alligood and Ann Marriner Tomey. Second Edition. St. Louis, Mosby: 2002. ISBN # 3230314331.
For links to the university bookstore and other services, please go to the "Links" section at the top of your classroom.
EXAMINATIONS: There is one comprehensive final examination for this course. The examination is an objective type. The examinations are "open" book, and thoroughly test knowledge in key areas of course content. While open book, they require thought and knowledge of the related content for successful completion.
GRADE ASSIGNMENT FOR EXAMINATIONS & LEARNING PORTFOLIOS: You will receive a letter grade, based on your over all score achievement. The grading scale is as follows:
90%-100% = A
80%-89% = B
70%-79% = C
60%-69% = D
Below 60 % = Fail
COMMUNICATION: You are encouraged to communicate with me. I am available as a teacher, coach, and mentor to assist you in meeting your goals for this course. Primarily, communication is through email. However, I am also available for conversation by telephone. Our classroom for this course has a "chat" room. I am also very willing to meet with you one-on-one in the chat room at your request. From time to time, depending on how many students are enrolled in this course at a particular time, we will have some scheduled group chats. You will receive more detailed information at the time such chat sessions are scheduled.
WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS: You will complete a mid-term Learning Portfolio and a final Learning Portfolio. The portfolios consist of your responses to questions from Case Studies. A grade is awarded for both Learning Portfolios. Full information and guidelines and objective criteria for grading of the Learning Portfolios is provided once you are registered for the course.
YOUR INSTRUCTOR: Dominick L. Flarey, Ph.D, DCH, MBA, RN,CS, CNAA, FACHE, is President of Dominick L. Flarey & Associates, a health care consulting firm, and The Center for Medical-Legal Consulting. He is a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant, and is the Editor in Chief of JONA's (journal of nursing administration's) Healthcare Law, Ethics & Regulation. He has held positions as a certified nurse practitioner, associate administrator of patient care, chief operating office and administrator in acute care hospitals. He was an executive consultant to a national "big 6" accounting firm's health care practice and was a service line administrator and consultant for case management for another national consulting firm. He holds a BSN, an MBA, and Doctorates in nursing administration and management. He also holds a Doctorate in Clinical Hypnotherapy. He is certified in Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing, by the American Nurses Credentialing Center.
Dr. Flarey is certified in nursing administration advanced and as an adult nurse practitioner by the American Nurses Association Credentialing Center. He is a board certified health care executive by the American College of Healthcare Executives, and is a Fellow in the college. He is also certified as a Medical-Legal Consultant. He is Professor of the Legal Nurse Consulting Certificate Program at Canyon College. He lectures around the country extensively on legal and ethical issues related to health care practice.
He is a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Nursing Administration, Seminars for Nurse Managers, Case Management: Managing the Process of Patient Care, and Nursing Outcomes. He has authored over 50 published articles in peer-reviewed journals.
Dr. Flarey is editor/author of the book, "Redesigning Nursing Care Delivery: Transforming Our Future," published by Lippincott/Raven publishers. He is also co-editor/author of the following books by Aspen Publishers: "Reengineering Nursing and Health Care: The Handbook for Organizational Transformation," winner of a 1995 AJN book of the year award, "The Handbook of Nursing Case Management: Health Care Delivery in a World of Managed Care," "Case Studies in Case Management," "Health Care Outcomes: Collaborative, Path-Based Approaches," and "Cardiovascular Outcomes: Collaborative, Path-Based Approaches," and "Process-Centered Healthcare Organizations."
1). The Nature of Knowledge Needed for Nursing Practice.
2). Nursing Models: Normal Science for Nursing Practice.
3). Philosophies, Models, and Theories: Critical Thinking.
4). Moral Obligations.
5). Nursing Philosophies.
6). Watson's Philosophy in Nursing Practice.
7). Benner's Philosophy in Nursing Practice.
8). Nursing Models.
9). King's Interacting Systems Framework.
10). Levine's Conservation Model in Nursing Practice.
11). Neuman's Systems Model in Nursing Practice.
12). Orem's Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory.
13). Roger's Science of Unitary Human Beings.
14). Roy's Adaptation Model.
15). Orlando's Nursing Process Theory.
16). Modeling and Role-Modeling.
17). Mercer's Maternal Role Attainment Theory.
18). Leininger's Theory of Cultural Care Diversity and Universality.
19). Parse's Theory of Health as Expanding Consciousness.
20). Areas for Further Development.
21). Future Directions.
If you have any questions regarding this program, you may address them to An administrative faculty member will respond to all questions.